Management development series: Managing employee sickness absence

Managing employee sickness absence is an essential part of a people manager’s role. When done correctly, it can help support employees while also maintaining productivity and morale within the team. Whether dealing with frequent short-term absences or long-term sickness, managers must ensure they comply with current UK employment legislation and should follow best practice.

Understanding the legal framework

In the UK, employee sickness absence is governed by various employment laws, including the Equality Act 2010, Employment Rights Act 1996, and Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) regulations. Managers must be aware of these legal requirements to avoid potential legal risks and ensure fairness for all employees.

  1. Statutory Sick Pay (SSP): Provided they meet the eligibility criteria, employees are entitled to SSP if they are off work for four or more consecutive days due to illness, and it can be paid for up to 28 weeks. Employees must provide evidence of their illness once they have been absent for more than 7 consecutive days, and this is normally done through the provision of a Fit Note from the employee’s GP, or a specialist letter.
  2. Sick Leave Policy: Employers should have a clear sick leave policy that outlines the procedures for reporting sickness, providing evidence, the process for returning to work, and how absence will be monitored. This policy should be communicated to all employees to ensure transparency.
  3. Disability Discrimination: Under the Equality Act 2010, an employee’s illness may qualify as a disability if it has a long-term and substantial impact on their ability to carry out normal daily activities. In such cases, employers are required to make reasonable adjustments to support the employee, including adjustments to work duties, hours, or the physical work environment.
Managing frequent short-term absence

Frequent short-term sickness absence is one of the most challenging aspects of people management. It can disrupt team performance and lead to higher workloads for colleagues. Here are some ways to manage short-term absences effectively:

Monitor absence patterns

Keep accurate records of all sickness absences. Look for patterns, such as recurring illnesses or specific times of the year, which could indicate underlying health issues or personal problems. A consistent absence pattern can help managers spot potential problems early and take appropriate action.

Maintain open communication

Ensure open lines of communication with the employee. Speak with them regularly, especially after a period of absence, to understand the reasons behind their sickness and to express concern. It’s essential to demonstrate empathy and create a supportive and confidential environment, as this will encourage employees to communicate more openly.

Offer support

Consider whether any adjustments or accommodations could help reduce frequent absences. For example, offering flexible working hours or allowing employees to work from home may help alleviate stress or health issues that contribute to frequent sickness. Be proactive in offering assistance rather than waiting for employees to request it.

Use return-to-work interviews

Return-to-work interviews after short-term absence are a valuable tool for addressing any concerns about patterns of sickness absence. These interviews help to ensure employees are fit to return to work, while also allowing managers to identify any underlying issues and offer additional support or adjustments.

Set clear expectations

Managers should set clear expectations regarding sickness absence, including how many days of absence are acceptable before a sickness absence review is considered. This should be outlined in the employee handbook or sick leave policy to ensure everyone understands the process.

Managing long-term sickness absence

Long-term sickness absence, generally defined as any absence lasting more than four weeks, presents different challenges. Managers must handle these cases with care to ensure compliance with employment laws while supporting the employee’s well-being.

Engage in ongoing communication

For long-term sickness, regular communication is crucial. Ensure that the employee is kept in the loop regarding any changes in the workplace, while also checking in on their condition. It is important to balance support with a clear understanding of when they might be able to return to work. Employees are expected to remain in contact and provide updates about their symptoms and likely return to work, and expectations about this should be contained within the sick leave policy.

Obtain medical evidence

If the sickness is prolonged, you may need to refer the employee to occupational health. An occupational health assessment can provide expert advice on the employee’s fitness to return to work. This will also include what adjustments might be needed, and any potential risks to the employee’s health or safety. Check your contracts to ensure that there is a clause which enables you to do this. Employees should provide medical evidence via Fit Notes or a specialist letter to cover the entire period of absence.

Consider reasonable adjustments

Under the Equality Act 2010, if an employee’s illness qualifies as a disability (as defined above), you must explore reasonable adjustments to support their return to work. This could include modifications to their role, altered working hours, or other adjustments to facilitate their return to work.

Maintain fairness and consistency

It is important to handle all long-term sickness cases fairly and consistently. Managers should avoid making assumptions or discriminating against employees based on their illness. Each case should be assessed individually, but the same policies and procedures should apply to everyone.

Implement a clear return-to-work plan

Once the employee is ready to return to work, create a structured plan for their reintegration. This might include a phased return to work, where the employee works part-time initially and gradually increases their hours. The return-to-work plan should be developed in consultation with the employee, ensuring it’s realistic and tailored to their needs.

Key takeaways
  • Keep accurate records of absences and look for patterns
  • Ensure open communication and offer support for both short-term and long-term illness
  • Be aware of your legal obligations, including SSP and reasonable adjustments for disabilities
  • Use return-to-work interviews to address concerns and support employees
  • Ensure consistency and fairness in managing sickness absence

By taking a structured and empathetic approach to managing sickness absence, people managers can help create a supportive work environment. This will foster productivity and employee well-being. If you need support in developing a sick leave policy, or need specific advise about an employee’s sickness absence, get in touch.

New requirement to prevent sexual harassment

From 26th October 2024, businesses will have to fulfil a new requirement to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. This is due to the introduction of the Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023. The EHRC guidance suggests this preventative duty extends to harassment of this kind by a third-party. This includes customers, clients, suppliers, visitors, members of the public – anyone who interacts with your staff at work. Essentially, employers potentially have vicarious liability for the acts of colleagues and third-parties in the workplace. That said the situation with regard to third parties is still relatively unclear from a legal perspective. The new Labour government have indicated that they intend to strengthen this new protection, so employers would do well to be on the front foot now, as there may be more to come.

What are employers expected to do?

Employers are expected to take ‘reasonable steps’ to prevent sexual harassment at work, although there is no definition of what those reasonable steps might be. The expectation is that they include actions that are practical, proportionate and tailored to the specific workplace. If employers can demonstrate that they took these reasonable steps, they might be able to successfully defend a claim of sexual harassment at work at a tribunal. Failure to do so could not only result in an uncapped compensation payment to the claimant, but also up to 25% uplift on compensation if an employer has breached the specific duty to prevent sexual harassment.

10 Reasonable steps to consider
  1. Ensure your anti-harassment policies are up to date and reflect the new requirements. Make it clear what the Company’s expectations about behaviour in the workplace are. Consider creating a specific anti-sexual harassment policy and ensure this is regularly communicated to all staff, and third-parties.
  2. Ensure that the ‘workplace’ is correctly defined in line with the Equality Act.  This extends to workplace social and off-site events, and interactions (both in person, in writing and on social media) that are connected to work.
  3. Conduct a risk assessment of your workplace to identify where there is a risk of harassment. Ensure you include third-party risk, review the number of complaints received and the outcomes of those investigations.
  4. Conduct regular anonymous staff surveys to get feedback on workplace culture including this specific area.  Or create an anonymous reporting system through the use of QR codes, publicised in discrete areas.
  5. Ensure the process for raising a complaint is straightforward, that it’s clearly explained and easy to access.
  6. Put up notices in staff areas, and anywhere your staff come in to contact with third parties.
  7. Invest in up-to-date regular mandatory anti-harassment training. Use this to educate employees about acceptable behaviour, and what to do if they witness sexual harassment.
  8. Invest in up-to-date regular mandatory manager training. Use this to educate your people managers about how to address issues and spot the early signs of harassment.
  9. Ensure those who are responsible for investigating any complaints are trained and capable of doing so.
  10. Ensure the senior team are aligned in taking a zero-tolerance approach to harassment. Make sure they are committed to creating and maintaining a culture that values diversity, inclusion and respect.

If your employees do experience sexual harassment in the workplace, there are a number of different negative consequences.

As well as putting the business at risk of an employment tribunal claim (which is both costly and time-consuming), the consequences of sexual harassment in the ‘post #metoo era’ extend wider than this:

  • Your reputation as a business may come under scrutiny. This may lead to potential lost business opportunities if investors, stakeholders, or potential customers or clients decide they don’t want to be associated with a business that has a problem with sexual harassment. Publicly listed companies have lost share value when issues of sexual harassment have been present.
  • Your reputation as an employer will be detrimentally affected – not many people would seek to be employed by a company that has issues with sexual harassment in the workplace, and those already working for you will undoubtedly look for other opportunities. You are likely to find it hard to find and hang on to talent.
  • The mental health of your employees is likely to be detrimentally affected, affecting productivity, absence and performance.
  • The EHRC also have the ability to investigate and enforce the new requirements if an employer fails to comply with the requirement to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. This process would also be extremely involved and time-consuming and further damage your reputation.

This change takes effect on 26th October 2024, which means you need to have the ‘reasonable steps’ in place by this date in order to avoid a breach of the new duty to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.

If you are concerned about what these changes mean for your business, Helpful HR can help, so get in touch.

Managing Probationary Periods

When you hire a new team member, there will usually be a probationary period. This is a time during which both parties can establish if hiring them was the right decision. It’s a fixed amount of time, so proactively managing probationary periods is important. If it applies, details of a probationary period must be included in employment contracts. Wording should include the duration, the right to extend, and areas of their performance and conduct which will be considered.

Many companies have rebranded the probationary period, using terms like ‘Introductory Period’ or ’90-day journey’. They mean the same thing; Was hiring the new joiner the right decision?

Probationary periods ensure that an employee’s expectations are managed. They understand that what they do during that time matters and can affect their ongoing employment.  If the end of a probationary period goes left unchecked, the default position is that they have successfully passed.  This may result in changes to their entitlements and notice period, and it’s more difficult to address those issues after that.

Areas to consider

When it comes to assessing whether the hiring decision, it shouldn’t just be about technical ability in their field of expertise. It’s about the behaviour they demonstrate, their understanding of the business or their desire and enthusiasm to learn and make a positive contribution. In an SME one person can make a big difference to the team dynamic and the success of the business. Therefore, it’s important that you use the probationary period to determine if you made the right decision. The probation period is also about the employee deciding if this is the right place for them. It’s important that you engage in two-way dialogue about how they’re getting on.  The probationary period provides an opportunity to ‘course correct’ if things doing seem to be going to plan, either for you, the team or the new hire.

Tips for managing a successful probation

Managers need to spend time proactively managing probationary periods. It should be expected that more management time will be spent on this person during that time. The time you spend is an investment which will hopefully lead to a direct return.

So what should managers be doing during their new hire’s probation?  Here are our top 10 tips:

  1. Clear job information: Make sure all the relevant information is clearly communicated during the recruitment process. That way there is no ambiguity about the role and what it involves
  2. Effective induction: Ensure you have an effective induction programme. This should include information about their job, the team, the business and the way it’s structured. It should also include where they fit in, the values of the company and how you expect employees to behave at work
  3. Introductions to key people: Ensure the new hire is introduced to key people on day one or at least during their first week. That way they know where to go for support if they have questions. No-one can know everything from day one
  4. Meet regularly: Meet with the new hire 1-1 regularly and frequently, and make sure it’s diarised and a written note is taken and shared with them in a timely way. In these meetings you can ensure they know what they should be doing. You can provide regular feedback about how it’s going, both from the perspective of their work, as well as their behaviour. For example if their work has been accurate, or you have noticed they have been late multiple times during their first week / month. Flag what you have noticed, ask how they feel it’s going and if there is anything they’re not sure about
  5. Set SMART objectives: Set some agreed objectives for the first month, and / or overall for their first 3 or 6 months. Progression towards meeting the objectives should also become an area of feedback in your weekly meetings, and follow up on email with the key points
  6. Be accessible and approachable: Have ad hoc informal catch-ups with the new hire on the ‘shop floor’. Ensure your new hire has the opportunity to ask any questions they may have
  7. Flag issues and concerns: If there are issues, flag them sensitively, but honestly. Explain why it’s a problem, and what you expected instead, or better still, ask them how they could have avoided the issue
  8. Timely feedback: Ensure your feedback is given in a timely way. If something serious is wrong, don’t wait for the next 1-1 meeting
  9. Preparation for meetings: Provide feedback in a confidential setting away from colleagues to protect their dignity. Prepare feedback properly to ensure it’s objective and delivered thoughtfully
  10. Act prior to the end of probation: Make sure you meet with the new joiner before the end of the official probationary period to confirm formally if they have passed their probation. Alternatively, probation can be extended if there are ongoing issues which need to be addressed. Equally if there are too many issues you may have to deliver the news that the probation has not been successful. (i.e. you give notice to terminate their employment)

As people managers it’s in your interests to do all you can to set this person up to succeed. This avoids unnecessary additional time and resource in sourcing a new hire twice in a short period of time. That said, sometimes things don’t work out. If that’s the case, dealing with it promptly and decisively will save time and money.

Recruitment can be expensive and time-consuming, so making sure your initial recruitment process was appropriate will help.  Read our previous blog here about recruitment if you want more tips for successful recruitment.

If you would like support managing probationary periods, or you have an issue with a new hire, get in touch.

What is a Written Statement of Employment Particulars?

In April 2020, it became a requirement for all employees to receive a ‘Written Statement of Employment Particulars’. This is a document which needs to be provided on or before their start date with their employer.  In addition, employees who joined their employer before 6th April 2020 can ask for a Written Statement at any time. On receipt of a request, employers must provide it to the employee within one month of their request.

The legal requirement

With this change it became a requirement that the Written Statement included certain terms and conditions. It is no longer sufficient to rely on a basic offer letter confirming job title, salary and start date.  The terms and conditions that must be included in a written statement are as follows:

  • the employer’s name
  • the employee or worker’s name
  • the start date
  • the date that ‘continuous employment’ started
  • job title, or a brief description of the job
  • the employer’s address
  • the normal places or addresses of work
  • pay, including how often and when
  • working hours and days, or if it’s variable
  • holiday entitlement, including an explanation of how its calculated if the employee or worker leaves the employer
  • the amount of sick leave and pay applicable
  • any other paid leave
  • any contractual benefits
  • any non-contractual benefits
  • the notice period either side must give when employment ends
  • how long a temporary job will last
  • any probation period, including its conditions and how long it is
  • if the employee will work abroad, and any terms that apply
  • what training that must be completed by the employee or worker, including training the employer does not pay for

As an employer, you need to have all these terms detailed in Written Statements you issue to new joiners. You need to quickly define your current practices and policies.  That way you will be ready for requests for a written statement from existing employees who started prior to 6th April 2020, as well as new hires.

In addition, the law allows for other terms to be provided at a later date, within 2 months of the employee starting. These other terms relate to pension arrangements, collective agreements, non-compulsory training (if provided), and disciplinary rules.

Benefits of providing a Written Statement

As well as the legal requirement to provide details of these specific terms of employment, there are benefits for both parties in having these points clearly written down.  Both parties will know and understand what to expect from the other, and what their obligations are.  This avoids ambiguity and inconsistency, which helps to prevent unnecessary problems or employment issues.  Doing this may also prevent potential allegations of discrimination if employees are treated differently (whether inadvertently or not).  Employees will feel secure in their relationship with their employer, which is more likely to develop trust and loyalty.

If you fail to provide the relevant documentation to your employees within the timelines specified by law, the potential penalty would be between two and four weeks’ pay.

Benefits of a Contract of Employment

The requirement under law is for a Written Statement of Employment Particulars, as detailed above, however many employers opt for a full contract of employment for their employees.  This is because in a full employment contract you can include terms which protect the business interests, for example clauses around confidentiality, post-termination restrictions, intellectual property and conflict of interests.  Having everything included in one comprehensive document also reduces administration time for the business, and provides clarity for the employee.

It’s important that employers are on the front foot when it comes to providing employees with details of their terms and conditions of employment as there are clear timelines to meet and clear advantages to providing this information.

If you would like to ensure that you’re protecting your business interests, and are meeting your legal requirements to provide employees with details of their terms of their employment, get in touch.

How to give feedback

In the workplace, managers and colleagues give feedback to others as part of their normal management and team practices.  Feedback should be constructive, and it’s a valuable process, aimed at improving skills, communication, relationships and success (individual and organisational).

In a study by Christine Porath[1], she found that higher levels of feedback were associated with 89% greater thriving at work, 63% more engagement and 79% higher job satisfaction.  She also found that giving honest, careful feedback and creating a ‘feedback loop’, (where team members provided feedback to each other), created stronger connections, and better relationships at work.  Adding recognition and / or reward in to the mix lead to employees becoming happier and more engaged.

The good and the bad

Provided the feedback is truly constructive, there’s no such thing as ‘bad’ feedback as all feedback of this nature will be valuable.

But if that feedback is not constructive, or not delivered in an appropriate way, I think we can probably call it ‘bad’ feedback, as it will often have the opposite effect of what is desired. i.e., it resulted in a disengaged, demotivated employee, and ultimately damage their success and potentially that of the team.

How to give good feedback

For many years there was a well-known saying linked to giving feedback which was referred to as the ‘**** sandwich’ i.e., say something nice, say something negative and then distract the person with something positive again. It seems this doesn’t work because the ‘negative’ points get lost, with people, understandably, clinging to the positive messages.

Here are our top tips for preparing and providing good quality feedback.

  • Be clear what you’re providing feedback about and consider what you want the outcome to be
  • Allocate enough time to the feedback session and make sure it’s in a confidential setting without interruptions
  • Be factual, specific, kind and objective – describe behaviour / actions / outcomes, not personality, attitude or character
  • Provide the context and describe what you noticed.  E.g., “I noticed that your reports have been submitted 2-3 days late on a couple of occasions lately”
  • Outline the impact and why it’s a problem
  • Write down the key points you want to get across.
The meeting:
  • Present your prepared observations
  • Be mindful of your body language and tone.  Keep it calm and respectful
  • Ask for their perspective of your observations
  • Encourage them to explore alternatives – ways to improve next time
  • Present feedback as a positive opportunity, not a threat, and include a balance of feedback (i.e., if some things went well, say so)
  • Listen actively, show empathy and demonstrate you’re listening – paraphrase and reflect what you’ve heard
  • Acknowledge their feelings
  • Reaffirm that your intention is to offer feedback to help them improve their performance, and help them progress, develop, grow in their role and the organisation.

Feedback should be given as close to an issue arising to ensure it’s relevant, and to demonstrate that it’s important.  Don’t wait for your next scheduled monthly or quarterly 1-1 to share the feedback.

If you need to give difficult feedback to an employee and you’re not sure how, get in touch.


[1] Mastering Community: The Surprising Ways Coming Together Moves us from Surviving to Thriving by Christine Porath 2022

Employment law changes in April 2020

As an employer it’s important to know of any forthcoming employment law changes. Being aware of the changes ensures you can prepare for them and protect your business from any legal claims. Here’s a rundown of the changes taking effect from April 2020.

Introducing parental bereavement leave

An Act passed in 2018 has resulted in the introduction of parental bereavement leave to provide support for bereaved parents. The leave will be available to parents who lose a child under 18, or suffer a still-birth in the later stages of pregnancy.

What is it?

Employees will be entitled to 2 weeks leave, and employees with 26-weeks continuous service will also be entitled to pay at the statutory rate. This leave is separate from the statutory right to unpaid time-off in an emergency, and compassionate leave which is discretionary.

Action to take

Employers should take the following steps, prior to April 2020:

  • review your current leave policies and decide if you will follow or exceed the minimum requirements of this legislation;
  • review and update policies and handbook to include this entitlement, as well as any other policies which may benefit from this information (for example, any family friendly policies);
  • consider if you need to review and update other content in your handbook, and
  • review and update your contracts of employment, so they are fit for purpose.

More information

Changes to written statements of particulars of employment

The current law states that written statements must be issued by employers to their employees within 2 months of their start date.  The new law will require employers to give all workers (not just employees) a written statement on or before their start date. In addition the written statements must include:

  • the hours and days of the week the worker /employee is required to work, if they are varied and how;
  • any details of a probationary period;
  • their entitlements to paid leave;
  • any details of training provided by the employer and
  • other benefits not covered elsewhere in the written statement.
Action to take

Employers should take the following steps, prior to April 2020:

  • be aware of exactly what needs to be included in the written statement;
  • know about any other information which needs to be provided to employees in writing;
  • ensure you have a template statement / contract of employment which is ready to use, should you need to make a new hire and
  • review your current written statement / contract of employment to ensure it complies with the new requirements.

More information

Increase in the holiday pay reference period from 12 weeks to 52 weeks

The reference period for calculating holiday pay for workers with irregular hours will change. Employers will need to look back over the past 52 weeks for the purposes of calculating holiday pay.

IR35 changes for the private and public sector

The public sector IR35 reforms will be extended to cover medium and large private-sector employers. This means that responsibility for determining if IR35 applies to independent contractors will shift to the organisation, not the individual. Employers should review whether they fall in to the category ‘medium’ or ‘large’ employer and then review their contractors and pay arrangements to determine how the new rules will affect them.

More information

If you’re concerned about what these employment law changes mean for your business and need help in preparing for them, please get in touch with Helpful HR.



Getting redundancies right

In a tough economic environment employers may conclude they need to reduce headcount and make some redundancies.

If that’s the case, there’s a statutory process to follow before making people redundant. It’s important to get the process right to avoid unnecessary disputes or Employment Tribunal claims for unfair dismissal.

Here are some key points to remember if you think you need to make redundancies.

Make sure it’s a genuine redundancy

Redundancy is about the role, not the person. The redundancy process should never be used to dismiss a specific employee in place of performance management and a disciplinary process. A redundancy is only genuine if it fits within one of the following descriptions:

    • the employer ceases to carry on the business in which the employee was employed,
    • the employer ceases to carry on that business in the place where the employee was employed,
    • the needs of the business for employees to carry out work of a particular kind cease or diminish, or
    • the needs of the business for employees to carry out work of a particular kind in the place where the employee was employed cease or diminish.
Preparation is key

Once you have established the reason for the redundancy of a role, prepare some notes for the consultation process. These notes should include key information you need to communicate:

    • why you need to make redundancies,
    • which jobs are at risk,
    • how employees will be selected for redundancy,
    • the number of people who could be involved,
    • how you plan to carry out redundancies,
    • how redundancy pay will be calculated and
    • details of any agency workers at the company
Fulfil your obligations

Establish the timeframes within which you need to consult and whether you need to consult a trade union, or elected representatives. If you plan to make more than 20 people redundant within 90 days you will need to do collective consultation, so it’s important to know your obligations.

Plan for the process

Prepare your notes and make sure you know the timeframes and consultation requirements. It can then be helpful to create a communication plan for the consultation process. The plan should include details of the consultation with potentially redundant employees as well as other team members who may be affected by the changes.

Make proposals

When the consultation is complete, a redundancy can be confirmed. True consultation involves listening to alternative ideas to avoid redundancies, considering any contractor or agency worker roles instead and redeployment opportunities within the company. It’s also important to ensure the affected employees fully understand the reasons for the consultation and what it means for them specifically. Prior to consultation being completed any redundancy plans should be presented as proposals, subject to consultation.


If you’re making large-scale redundancies, it can result in a long and complex process, but whether it affects one employee or 50, it’s still important to get it right and consider their rights and how the news will affect them. Good planning and communication is key.

We work with businesses during difficult times and help to take away the worries about getting it wrong, so if you’re business needs to make these difficult decisions, get in touch with Helpful HR.

Leadership tips

Congratulations! You have achieved that long yearned for appointment or promotion in to a leadership role. The joy of your success may be palpable, and rightly so. However, an element of apprehension may make an appearance at some point.

Here are some top tips for any newly appointed leaders out there, to make sure you’re set for success.

Identify some quick wins

The first 100 days is a typical gauge of success, so speak to key people to identify some quick wins and find the right people to deliver them. Motivate, monitor and measure their progress, provide support and celebrate the successes. Make sure that the delivery of the quick wins sets the tone of your leadership style and be consistent.

Meet people and listen

Your success is dependent on other people, both in and outside of the business.  Make a commitment to meet:

  • your direct reports and key people in their teams
  • other leaders in the business (if you’re part of a senior leadership team)
  • key partners in other business areas, with whom you can share knowledge
  • key customers and suppliers

When you meet with them, ask questions about how things are going and what could be better. Listen to their thoughts and opinions and make notes.

Create a long-term plan

Whilst the quick wins serve a purpose, you also need to think long-term. Use the information from your initial meetings to identify the long-term priorities. Ensure you communicate to your team about these priorities and your reasoning. Ask for feedback, listen, then make a final decisive plan, identifying the ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘who’ and ‘when’ for each of your priorities.


Be visible and accessible. Arrange and stick to regular meetings with peers and direct reports, as well as key project leaders. Share information with them and ensure they share their progress with you.  Involve your direct reports in defining the ‘how’ in your plan. Your success is dependent on how it is delivered, as well as the ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘who’ and ‘when’.

There are many other things you could do, and there are many articles about successful leadership if you look for them. But these tips should help to send you off in the right direction. If you need support in a new leadership role, get in touch with Helpful HR.

Difficult conversations

Anyone who has ever line managed will undoubtedly have had that sinking feeling at some point, knowing that they need to address some kind of problem with the performance or conduct of one of their team. All line managers should feel reassured that they are not alone in feeling this way.

The good times

When everything is going well, and your team are performing and behaving as you want them to, being a people manager is fantastic. You see great results through your people, and that reflects positively on you. Your bosses think you’re doing a great job and all is right with the world.

The harder times

Unfortunately this perfect world is very unusual, certainly in the long term, and there will be times when you have to address a problem directly with one of your team members. Whether it’s an issue with their performance or their behaviour, no-one looks forward to having a conversation about these issues and addressing it head-on. But it really is the best way to make a change for the better.

Top tips

Here are some top tips for preparing for, and having those dreaded conversations:

  • Don’t wait.  If something has gone wrong, address it privately at the first opportunity you have. Don’t wait for the next 1-1 in a month’s time and don’t address it publicly in the open office.
  • Prepare.  Make notes and identify the problem. Be specific and note exactly what went wrong and what you expected. Be prepared to share this information with the individual.
  • Have a conversation.  Everyone has a different perspective on any situation, so allow the individual the opportunity to give their view of the situation.
  • Keep it objective.  Keep it factual, balanced, constructive and objective and try to make sure that it doesn’t get personal, or heated.
  • Check for understanding.  Seek confirmation that they understand why it was a problem, by asking questions such as ‘Can you understand why this wasn’t appropriate?’ and ‘What do you think you could have done differently?’ Probe them if you feel they don’t fully accept that there was an issue, or take responsibility.
  • Follow-up.  Tell the individual that you will forward them a summary of what you’ve discussed, so that they can have a record of your expectations. It’s not a formal warning, just provided to support their learning and development.
The benefits

As managers and business leaders, if you address problems in your teams directly, you can ensure that all your team are contributing to the success of your business. One underperforming team member can do damage to your business success and potentially your brand. By ‘nipping it in the bud’ in a constructive way, you will avoid situations developing and taking a downward spiral. The longer performance or conduct issues go unchecked, the harder it is to address successfully. There’s also more chance of the wider team becoming unhappy.

If you or your management team need support in addressing difficult situations, HelpfulHR can definitely help – whatever the issue. Get in touch, and let’s get them back on track.

Love is in the Air

Valentine’s Day is less than a month away, so our thoughts are turning to ‘romance at work’ and the questions that subject raises. During a working week we spend up to half of our waking time with our work colleagues, so it’s not surprising that close friendships and romantic relationships form.

We all know people in long-term relationships with partners they met at work. Whilst personal relationships can cause issues, it’s probably unrealistic to ban personal relationships at work. If you introduce a ban, it would inevitably force budding romances and friendships to become covert. This would lead to an environment of mistrust, deception and fear. However it would be unwise to stay silent on how you deal with relationships as an employer. So, what is the best way to approach them?

Developing a policy

Here are 6 top tips for a developing a policy:

  • Be Realistic. Focus on transparency and create a working environment where your employees can be open with you.
  • Be Specific. Define the point employees need to declare a relationship beyond that of a good working relationship – be it a close friendship or a romantic relationship.
  • Be Cautious. Include clients, suppliers and customers in the policy.
  • Be Fair. Ensure you are clear about the possible outcomes of declaring a relationship. For example in a management relationship, allow for a change to reporting lines.
  • Be Professional. Clearly communicate expectations about professional conduct, i.e. public displays of affection and favouritism.
  • Be Prepared. Accept that sometimes relationships don’t work out, and this too will need to be managed appropriately.

Following these top tips will ensure your policy is realistic and practical, and will ensure your business isn’t compromised by relationships at work.

So, while things can go wrong and issues may arise, having a clear policy will make it easier to take a fair and consistent approach, with the least disruption to your business.

If you would like help developing a policy about managing personal relationships at work, please get in touch.