Labour’s Employment Rights Bill

Labour’s Employment Rights Bill was published on 10th October, the first stage of their Plan to Make Work Pay, in what’s been hailed by CEO of the CIPD as ”the greatest shift in employment legislation in decades”.

The Bill is the headline plan, there is still lots of detail missing, and some changes that were predicted, have not been included in this stage. The government plans to consult on the reforms next year, and any new legislation will not be implemented until 2026, at the earliest.

Here are the key things you need to be aware of:

Right to claim unfair dismissal will be a day one right, but with a caveat

Currently those dismissed with less than 2 years continuous service can’t claim unfair dismissal at an employment tribunal.  This requirement for 2 years service will disappear, and any employee would in theory have the right to make a claim.

However, there will be consultation on the use of a statutory probation period to allow for an initial judgement about a new joiner’s suitability for the role. Indications are this will either be a 6 or 9 month statutory probation period. The suggestion is that there will be a simplified process for dismissal during the statutory probation period, but there is still much detail to be provided prior to 2026 about how it will work in practice.

Employers will be thinking about how they can make their recruitment processes more stringent, so the right hiring decisions are made at the start, with some employers saying that they are less likely to take risks at the appointment stage, for example offering a role to a candidate who lacks experience but shows enthusiasm.

Flexible working will be the default, but with a caveat

Flexibility will be the default, unless the employer can prove it’s unreasonable, for a potentially valid reason, including the burden of additional costs, a detrimental effect on ability to meet customer demand, an inability to re-organise work among existing staff or recruit additional staff, and a detrimental effect on quality or performance; all of which are currently justifiable reasons for rejecting a flexible working request.

Currently employees with any length of service can request to work flexibly, and this request can only be refused on specific grounds – which are similar if not the same as those included as a valid reason for disallowing default flexibility. There is a change of emphasis and there will be a greater requirement for the employer to demonstrate why the role can’t be done flexibly as requested.

Employers will be thinking about how they manage the selection and onboarding processes so there is transparency about the employee’s requirement or desire for flexibility and what is reasonable, from the start.

Zero-hours contracts will stop, but with a caveat

Workers will have the right to be offered a contract with guaranteed hours, based on their regular hours worked over a defined period, expected to be the previous 12 weeks.  However, workers can opt to remain on a zero hours contract if they prefer.

This replaces previous legislation due to be implemented where workers could request a predictable working pattern if they had 26 weeks’ service.

Employers will be considering how they currently use zero hours contracts, if there’s an alternative contract (for example a fixed term contract), and review the hours their zero hours workers currently work to see how they may be impacted.

Parental rights will be strengthened with expanded leave entitlements

Employees will have a day one right to paternity, parental, and bereavement leave. Currently employees need 26 weeks of continuous service to qualify for statutory paternity and ordinary parental leave.

Bereavement leave will extend beyond the existing entitlement for parents who lose a child. Broader compassionate leave rights are expected but the details of how long and whether it will be paid remain uncertain.

Employers will be considering what the financial and practical impact of this change might be, looking at the demographics of their workforce, allowing for planning and mitigating risk.

Employees will get sick pay from their first day of illness

There will no longer be any ‘waiting days’ before an employee who is off work due to sickness will be eligible for SSP.  This pay will now be available from the first day of their absence, provided the employee meets the eligibility criteria. The criteria are also likely to be changed to make it more accessible for all employees, regardless of their earnings level.

Employers will be looking at their current sickness absence figures, and planning for the increase in costs of the additional 3 days SSP applicable.

There will be a ban on ‘fire and rehire’ practices, but with a caveat

The government will shut down the ‘loopholes’ that allow ‘fire and rehire’ and ‘fire and replace’ to continue. The practice of terminating an employee’s contract and rehiring them on different terms will be restricted, and these dismissals will be treated as ‘automatically unfair’, unless employers can evidence financial hardship as the reason for the change to terms and it was unavoidable. Employers will need to show such a change was a ‘last resort’ after thorough consultation and consideration of alternatives.

Employers will be considering what other changes they could make should there be a need to reduce costs across the business, before looking at forcing through changes to worker terms and conditions, so they can demonstrate it is a last resort.

Collective redundancy consultation and notification requirements will change

When an employer proposes making 20 or more redundancies at one establishment, there is a requirement to notify the DBIS and collectively consult.  The changes proposed mean there will be a requirement to collectively consult if the Company intends to make more than 20 redundancies, regardless of which establishment in the UK the losses will apply.

Employers will need to review their policies and internal procedures for establishing the need for collective consultation processes and plan accordingly should redundancies be necessary.

Requirement to prevent sexual harassment of workers will be extended

On 26 October, the Worker Protection Act 2023 came into force, introducing a new duty for employers to take ‘reasonable steps’ to prevent sexual harassment of their employees.  The Labour government has set out its intention to require employers to take ‘all reasonable steps’ to prevent sexual harassment, rather than just ‘reasonable steps’. It will also make employers vicariously responsible for protecting workers against harassment by third parties, a measure which was removed from the Worker Protection Act during the parliamentary process.

Employers will need to go ‘belt and braces’ with the preventative steps they can take in their business to prevent sexual harassment and tighten up how they can reasonably prevent harassment by a third party, as well as how they should respond to a complaint in light of this new liability.

Firms will be required to publish their intentions around improving equality

Large organisations (250+ employees) will have to develop and publish an equality action plan to show the steps they are taking in relation to gender equality.

 A new Fair Work Agency will crack down on unscrupulous employers

The government has announced it will establish the Fair Work Agency, combining existing enforcement functions around minimum wage, statutory sick pay, the employment tribunal penalty scheme, labour exploitation and modern slavery, to create a “strong, recognisable single brand” that will make it easier for individuals to know where to go for help. The Fair Work Agency will also cover a new area of enforcement – the holiday pay policy.

The Strikes Act and Trade Union Act 2016 will be repealed

The Bill will repeal the minimum service levels legislation introduced in 2023, and will repeal all but two parts of the Trade Union Act 2016.

The new government has set out plans to introduce new rights of workplace access for trade union officials and employer obligation to inform employees of their right to join a union.  The bill also brought forward measures to modernise trade union laws, including a reduction in the threshold for a recognition application from 10 per cent of the workforce.

Employers may want to introduce a ‘staff forum’ as a preventative measure to minimise the likelihood of union presence or recognition, or how they could engage proactively with unions in a positive way to build good employee relations. Contracts will need to be revised to include employee’s rights to join a union, and a communications plan to ensure the need to remind them will need to be devised.

Other plans outside of the Employment Rights Bill

The government has stated some of its commitments will be delivered outside of legislation, and they believe they can deliver more reform and therefore do not need all the commitments to be included in the bill.

This includes:

  • Introducing the ‘right to switch off’, to prevent employers from contacting staff outside of their working hours.
  • expanding the Equality (Race and Disability) Bill making it mandatory for large employers to report their ethnicity and disability pay gap.
  • consulting on single worker status, aiming to transition towards a simpler two-part framework for employment status
  • reviewing parental leave and carers’ leave systems

As a reminder, Labour’s Employment Rights Bill is subject to consultation as well as the usual passage through the House of Commons and the House of Lords, before it will become law in 2026, so there is plenty of time to prepare. More information is available here.

If you need help preparing, please get in touch.

Employment legislation changes – April 2024 and beyond

It’s that time of year when we consider forthcoming employment legislation changes from April 2024. Being aware of the changes ensures you can prepare for them and protect your business from any legal claims. Here’s a rundown of the changes.

Payroll costs – National Minimum Wage rates

Inflation continues to be a key issue for many employers who are facing pressure to increase wages.  Whilst there is no legal requirement to increase pay to address issues with high inflation rates, the National Minimum Wage/living rates are going up on 1 April 2024, therefore if your pay is based on minimum wage rates per hour, you will need to implement these changes:


Age group Up to 31/3/2024 From 1/4/2024
21 and over £10.18 (£10.42 for 23+) £11.44
18 – 20 £7.49 £8.60
Apprentices under 19 (or over 19 but in year 1 of apprenticeship) and under 18s £5.28 £6.40
Statutory pay rates – From April 2024
Family friendly leave

The rates of Statutory Maternity, Adoption, Paternity, Shared Parental and Parental Bereavement pay will increase to £184.03 per week.

Statutory Sick pay

The rate of Statutory Sick Pay will increase to £116.75 per week.

Statutory redundancy payments

With effect from 6th April 2024, the statutory redundancy pay cap will increase to £700 per week. It’s important to ensure you get up to date compensation information for anyone who leaves due to redundancy on or after this date. You will need to calculate their redundancy pay on the new rate.  If the redundant employee’s normal weekly rate is under the new figure, you should calculate their redundancy compensation based on their actual weekly pay rate.

Rolled-up holiday pay

With effect from the holiday year starting in April 2024 and thereafter, workers who work irregular or part year hours can have their holiday pay rolled in to their pay, rather than accruing actual holiday which has to be taken as leave.  The method of calculating the holiday pay will be 12.07%. Employers should note this only applies to those employees who work irregular or part-year hours. Other employees with set hours (either part or full-time) will accrue paid holiday which must be taken as paid time off.

Flexible Working Requests

With effect from 6th April 2024, employees will be able to make a flexible working request from day one of their employment, removing the current 26 weeks’ service requirement.  Employees will be able to make two requests a year (currently only one request is possible) and they will no longer be required to set out the likely effects on the business of the change.  Employers will be compelled to consult with the employee before rejecting a request and the time allowed for the whole process, including appeal, will be reduced from three to two months.

Statutory Carer’s Leave

Statutory Carer’s Leave will give carers a minimum of one week’s unpaid leave per year to care for a dependant with a long-term care needs, from day one of their employment.

This will be a day one right for employees and is flexible, however it’s likely advance notice will need to be provided, and it may be possible to postpone requests in a similar way to Unpaid Parental Leave.

This right will be in place from 6th April 2024.

Paternity Leave

An amendment to the entitlement for fathers and partners to take Paternity Leave has recently been proposed.  If approved fathers and partners will be able to take their Paternity Leave in two split weeks, should they wish, and the timeframe for taking the leave will be extended from 56 days after the birth, to 12 months after the birth, offering more flexibility to new parents.

This amendment will be effective for babies born or children adopted on or after 6th April 2024.

Redundancy Protection for Pregnancy and Family Leave

This protection extends the right to be redeployed during pregnancy (including if a miscarriage is suffered), maternity and family leave for 18 months after the start of that leave. These are important considerations during an employee’s family/maternity leave and in restructuring or redundancy exercises.  Employers who breach this protection will risk claims for unfair dismissal and sex discrimination (with uncapped compensation).

This new protection will be in place from April 2024.

Upcoming changes to be confirmed

2024 is potentially going to be another busy year for changes in employment law.  This is a summary of what may be in the pipeline when it comes to employment legislation changes from April 2024.  In some cases there are no firm dates for implementation however, it pays to be ahead of the changes and consider how they may affect you and your business in advance of the bills being passed in to law.

Employment Allocation of Tips Act

This ban will make it unlawful for employers to withhold tips from staff.  In addition, employers must also have a written policy related to tip allocation in place.  This will apply to tips, gratuities and service charges given during the previous month.

This is expected to be in place from July 2024.

Statutory Neonatal Care Leave

This statutory leave will allow parents whose babies need hospital neonatal care to take 12 weeks’ paid leave. This is in addition to their statutory maternity, shared parental or paternity leave. The right will:

  • be available from day one of employment;
  • apply to parents with babies who are admitted to hospital before they are 28 days old;
  • apply to babies who need to stay in hospital for 7 days continuously or more.

This is expected to be in place from April 2025.

Right to request more predictable working patterns

Employees and workers (including agency and zero hours workers) will have the right to formally request a more stable working pattern.  In addition, this right will also be available to those on fixed-term contracts of less than a year.  This right will apply after 26 weeks of continuous employment.

Employers will only be able to refuse requests  if there is a legal reason for refusing the request.

This is expected to be in place ‘in due course’.

Proactive duty to prevent sexual harassment

This will require employers to have proactive measures in place to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.  As a result employers will be legally responsible if no measures are in place.  And that responsibility applies, regardless of whether or not an incident has occurred. Failure to comply with this requirement could result in increased compensation of up to 25%.

This is expected to be in place from October 2024.

Pensions (Extension of Automatic Enrolment) Act 2023

This Act brings in changes to the Automatic Enrolment populations and employers who use Qualifying Earnings to calculate contributions:

  • Lowering the age criteria for auto-enrolment from 22 to 18 years of age
  • Removing the Lower Earnings Limit of £6,240 if you’re using qualifying earnings

There is no indication at this point when this change will come in to effect.

If you’re concerned about what these employment legislation changes from April 2024 mean for your business and need help reviewing your policies, please get in touch with Helpful HR.

How flexible are you?

Parents and carers were given the legal right to make a flexible working request in 2002. From 2014 any employee with over 26 weeks’ continuous employment with their employer has the right to request flexible working. However according to a recent CIPD report, Megatrends: Flexible Working, the number of employees working flexibly has flat-lined since 2010.

Why not be flexible?

Apprehension and at times downright negativity about flexible working is not unusual. Requests to work fewer hours, compressed hours and/or working from home often provoke this response. This is particularly the case if the employee making the request manages other employees. Employee visibility is the issue and managers think if they can’t see their staff, they don’t know they’re working. Managers question their employee’s honesty, convinced they will be ‘out shopping, or walking the dog when they should be working’.

Where does this lack of trust come from? Employers need consider if they expect employees to deal with work outside of their contractual working hours. If they expect flexibility but don’t reciprocate due to a lack of trust, employee goodwill will wane.

Reciprocal flexibility works

Perhaps this is a bit extreme, but trusted flexibility can work both ways to the benefit of everyone. It just requires a bit of extra thought about how it can work. If employees want flexibility and their employer gives it to them, their engagement, loyalty and commitment will increase. If employers refuse requests, employees will ask why they should go the extra mile when the company isn’t prepared to do the same for them. They will be less motivated and may begin to ‘work to rule’ or look for a job elsewhere. I don’t think any employer would want that outcome, especially at a time when the ‘war for talent’ seems tougher than ever.

Managing flexible employees

It’s a reality that some jobs really can’t be done flexibly, but every requests need to be considered properly, to see if it can be accommodated. Managers are often concerned about managing less visible employees. But if outcome-based objectives are set, it should be easy to identify and address a dip in performance levels. It’s entirely possible that managers feel overstretched and feel they don’t have the time or energy to consider how it might work. But companies that provide flexibility will benefit from increased talent retention, engagement and productivity. At a time when there are reported skills shortages, surely it’s worth the effort?

If you would like help managing flexible working in your company, or support in dealing with a request, please do get in touch.